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Do You Hurry & Worry?

Thomas Troward, one of the members in my ‘old, dead guys club’, a mentor, writes about the laws of the universe and Nature and how you can apply those to your thinking. One law in particular is the law of growth. He writes about the plants, and trees, specifically the huge sequoias and how they all, including many generations over time, come from a small seed.

He explains that thoughts and ideas are just like seeds in the physical world and when they are planted in great soil, watered, and fertilized, they can grow exponentially.

I’ve found, after coaching hundreds of people, that there are three choices you can do with an idea:

  • Force it to happen: usually by hurrying, worrying, overworking yourself, or MAKING it happen
  • Give up hope that it will happen- dismissing the idea right away or letting someone influence you NOT to do something with that idea
  • Watering that idea with an intentional and persistent thought process.

Guess which client usually sees better results in their life?

Troward says you water your idea with “quiet concentrated contemplation of your desire as an accomplished fact.”

Quiet- you can’t be hurrying and worrying

Concentrated- focused thinking

Contemplation- requires time and a returning back to it, think meditation

Desire- not just a hope, wish, or great idea- an all-consuming passion

Accomplished- finished, complete, what does it look like? Smell like? Feel like? Etc.?

Fact- your faith is so great that you know this will happen beyond a shadow of a doubt!

What about you? What do you do with ideas? Do you hurry and worry? Do you discount and ignore? Do you focus and persist? Stay in touch with your mind today and notice when you receive an idea and observe what you do with that idea. Get to know your own mind and your current patterns. Ask yourself, what do I WANT to happen with a new idea?

Happy growing!

If you’d like to know more about imagination, visualization, desires, dreams, etc. consider using our Grow By 1 Search Engine

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