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Identity Communication As A Leader

“Any situation or circumstance is a chance to teach others what YOU are and what THEY are to you.” Anonymous

If you run a weekly staff meeting and it always starts 5 minutes late, what are you communicating? You may be communicating that you are disorganized and your people’s time isn’t valuable.

If you ‘stand on principles’ during the customer service process and don’t serve well, what do you communicate? You may be communicating that the most important person in this is YOU and the customer isn’t important- nor their business.

If you struggle to make decisions for and with your people in a challenging situation, what are you communicating? You may be communicating your insecurities and that they need to lead themselves.

See, EVERY situation is an opportunity to show people who you are as a leader AND to help them see what you believe about them. How well are you communicating what you really desire? Are you in alignment and integrity? Or, if you’re like me, you might have a little work to do!

The good news is that once we do this internal work, things will go easier for us.

“Change your self-concept and all new things consistent with this image are accomplished easily and without strain.” Maxwell Maltz

Are you ready to start the hard part of getting to know yourself? Join me!

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