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Leaders Don’t FIX People

It’s easy to see how leaders might want to fix their people, especially to get them to produce more. However, it’s counterintuitive. The sub-conscious message you send when you do these behaviors is that your people need to be fixed.

Emerson said, “Where your focus goes, your energy flows.” That means what you focus on you get. If you focus on your people’s problems, issues, challenges, or shortcomings- you get more of them!

So what’s a leader to do?

Neville Goddard said, “The man who imagines others at their best and exercises forgiveness performs a miracle.”

  • Flex your imagination muscle and try to see them as performing at the highest level
  • What is ‘their best’? What does that look like?
  • Forgiveness is a superpower and when you allow your people to be who they are and imagine them at their best, they will rise to your expectation.

At the very least, when you picture your people at their best, your attitude change. They sense the change in you, and they change. Don’t believe me? Try it!

If you’d like to know more about imagination or revision, use our search engine and input those keywords. Find it here.

Join us for our Self-Image Mastery Live Teaching Call: Tuesday, July 14, 7-8:30 pm, EST. Call-in info: (712) 770-8055, code: 392274.

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