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The Six Love Supplies (pt. 1)

One of my mentors, Paul Martinelli, wrote an addendum to the book Think & Grow Rich. In it, he covered three principles that, as he said, were missing from the TAGR text and that you definitely need in your life to be able to have a richer, more meaningful existence.

The three missing chapters are on love, generosity, and forgiveness.

I’ve used this book as the basis for a coaching program with dozens of clients for the past 6 months and I’d like to highlight a few thoughts from one small section in the love chapter. However, at the risk of writing a whole new book, I’ll break it up into two sections, part 1 and part 2.

The 6 love supplies are:

  • Being listened to
  • Receiving praise and acknowledgment
  • Physical touch
  • Being support in your goals and dreams
  • Keeping agreements

Do you LISTEN to others? I mean, really listen? Or do you listen to respond? Do you connect with them or just talk to them? People who feel this kind of love know the difference! If this one isn’t that important to you, you may want to keep it on the radar because chances are, someone in your life feels love this way.

Do you give PRAISE & ACKNOWLEDGMENT to others? Do you notice what they do and say AND tell them you noticed? It might not seem like much, but to the person that feels the love this way, it means the world! And it doesn’t cost anything but a moment. Catch someone doing something right!

How about PHYSICAL TOUCH? Obviously, we’re talking about appropriate touch! I think about my kids. Two of the three love touch, so I gently touch their head or should or hold their hand when they enter the room. The middle child hates touch unless it’s on her own terms. So, I take her cue. When you shake hands with someone at a networking event, is your spirit and soul IN the handshake or is it limp and loose? People who feel love through physical touch can tell the difference!

So, what if one or more of these love supplies is how YOU feel loved but someone in your life is not capable or willing to share with you in this way? What do you do?

  1. Speak up for yourself. If you don’t say something, nothing will change. However, sometimes if you do say something, nothing changes, so then what?
  2. If you’re not ‘feeling the love’ from someone in the way you prefer, ask yourself, “Am I loving myself?” Are you listening to yourself? Are you praising and acknowledging the work you do? Are you putting yourself in positions where you can lovingly and intentionally use touch with others?

Just because someone in your life is unwilling or unable does not mean that you have to go without love. Also, make sure you reflect and figure out which way the people in your life prefer love and serve them in that way, EVEN IF it’s not how you prefer.

Join us tomorrow for part 2!

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