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You Are One Choice Away From Happiness

"The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the domination of outward conditions." Robert Louis Stevenson

I’ve talked with dozens of leaders throughout this pandemic and there seem to be three types. Which one are you?

  • Stressed: the overwhelmed and overworked, the leader who doesn’t know what to do and struggles making decisions
  • Blessed: the leader who says everything is just fine, yet their actions aren’t aligned with that belief
  • Resourced: the leader who has a right assessment of what’s happening, makes quick decisions, and does the best they can to serve their people

Which one are you? Which one would you like to be? What’s the difference between these leaders?

Only one difference: their attitude!

We can choose our attitude at any time. If we choose to be happy, regardless of our circumstances, we give of a different ‘vibe’ that our people feel and follow.

Happiness is a present tense word. Don’t wait for the pandemic to end before you choose happiness. Your team depends on you to set the tone.

If you’d like an excellent book suggestion on this topic, check Viktor Frankl’s Man Search For Meaning.

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