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โ€œWhy Wonโ€™t They Follow Me?โ€

The law of buy-in says that people buy into the leader first and THEN the vision. John C. Maxwell

Every message people receive is filtered through the messenger. This means a leader needs to focus more on who they are and who they are becoming (their character) than creating the vision.

I’ve talked to many educational leaders in the last few weeks about what to do for Fall 2020. They wonder about making hard decisions and how to create a plan, and how to communicate when you don’t have a decision yet. I’ve noticed 4 types of leaders. I’ll list them and try to identify which one you are:

  • The silent leader with no plan. This leader doesn’t communicate at all because there is nothing to communicate. This is dangerous because your people will start looking for another place to be!
  • The loud leader with no plan. This leader talks a lot but has nothing of significance to say. Their people will probably stay for the long haul but eventually, they will demand a...
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