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How Can I Transform Anger Into Something Good?

This post is a follow-up from yesterday as I had a few people reach out for clarification. These questions really centered around how you deal with anger with people outside the workplace, specifically people you know very well and even live with. Let me put it into MY personal perspective and tell you a story!

Recently, my husband and I had a bit of a problem. I won’t tell you exactly the problem but rest assured it was one of those marriage problems that ends up in loud talking and recognizing the same patterns over and over again. Let’s just say, I was very angry!

Now, in the past when this pattern happened, I would hold it in and not try to make a scene- let’s just keep everyone happy. Until…. I would BLOW UP! That didn’t work out too well for either of us or our kids.

“Working steam is not heard. It’s the escaping steam within which makes a great noise.” James Allen

So, I decided I didn’t want to do what I’ve always...

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β€œIt’s Easier Just To Fire Them!”

I heard this statement from one of my coaching clients the other day and could feel his stress and anxiety through the phone! I reminded him that leaders don’t do what’s easy, they do what’s right. After a few moments of a small pity-party, he said, “Okay, now what?”

Great leaders build their reputations by empowering others. While it might seem easy to just cut your losses and let them go, it actually costs much more in time, money, energy, and resources to let them go and find a replacement.

How do you equip your people?

As I was preparing this lesson, I thought, “Man, there is no way I can tell them the answer to that question in a short blog post! I wish they were in the Empowered Leaders Group.” In the Empowered Leaders group we talk at length about how to do this, not just from a principle standpoint, but an individual and personal standpoint, each week in our group coaching sessions. However, let me give you five quick points. John...

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Are You Ready For A Paradigm Shift? (7/29)

“Every significant breakthrough is first a break with tradition, with old ways of thinking, wit old paradigms.” Thomas Kuhn

Copernicus discovered the center of the universe was the sun and not the earth. He suffered greatly for that shift in thinking! The scientist who discovered that ‘germs’ caused infection and killed mothers giving birth was put in an insane asylum by his colleagues. Einstein was ridiculed for birthing the field of science we now know as Quantum Physics, which is completely opposite of the Newtonian Physics and linear mathematics that was prevalent in his day.

Are YOU ready for a shift in your own thinking? Really ready? Ready to change you, the people you lead, and possibly the world?

What’s the value of one shift for you?

  • Maybe you lead a multi-level marketing team and you’re stuck with your recruitment and engagement numbers; you can’t quite meet those monthly goals?
  • Maybe you see the writing on the wall and you know...
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Do You Give To Get?

“Let us not refuse the help, happiness, and joy that others may bring us, or that we can give to others.” Maxwell Maltz

The Law of Reciprocity says if you give something to someone, they will be inclined to give you something back. So, what id we all chose to give help, happiness, and joy? What would our world look like? And how do you do that with difficult and challenging people?

I experienced that this week! I interacted with a challenging person. She wasn’t trying to give me help, happiness, or joy. She was operating out of her own fear and belief in her process, and unable to take in a new idea. Know anyone like that?

My overall motivation in life is to help people see their own awesomeness and to grow. When someone chooses to discount both of those things, they won't’ last long around me!

I didn’t need to be defensive or criticize or change what I was doing for her. I am secure in who I am as a person. However, I DID need to show help, happiness,...

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β€œMy Job Isn’t To Fix People!”

I heard this statement from a coaching client the other day. I completely understand where he is coming from, however, I have to disagree a bit.

Let’s say your job as the leader or boss is to make sure everyone shows up to work on time, do their tasks, and generally get along with their team members, maybe attend the staff meetings and every once in a while you want them to give you a good idea about the work. Sound fair?

As Maxwell Maltz says, "All your actions, feelings, behaviors, and abilities align with your self-image."

All those things on the above list you want your people to do must align with their self-image. Maybe you have an employee that sees themselves as a failure and that influences their work. Maybe another person shies away from crowds and never comes to those meetings.

Our tendency as bosses is to take corrective action and say something like, “Just do your job!” And in a perfect world, that would work!

However… in reality, their...

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Pessimism Kills!

Pessimism is a dangerous mindset and thought pattern to cultivate. It’s like growing weeds in your mind! It has several devastating effects and can actually cause you to physically heal slower! If it has that sort of effect on YOUR physical body, think about what your pessimistic attitude does for your TEAM….

Pessimism is contagious!

How can you prevent it?

  • Acknowledge that you have a problem and seek help from a trusted advisor or friend
  • Play around with different perspectives when faced with a problem
  • Seek out optimistic people on your team and ask for their help
  • Focus on your team goals and celebrate every small win you can

If you struggle with this and are real and honest with yourself and your team, things WILL get better! Your people will thank you!

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