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β€œI Just Can’t Find Good People!”

I heard this statement from a new leader about five years ago. She jumped into one of our leadership groups and within three months, this is what I heard, “My people are the greatest!”

So what caused the change?

One thing: her thinking! And a little dash of leadership skill development didn’t hurt!

John Maxwell says, “For a leader that develops leaders there is something scarcer and much more important than ability. Is it the ability to recognize ability.” How do you do that?

The first step is in asking, “What do we need?” Too many leaders begin hiring someone for a position without stopping to ask this important question first. They hire based on the job description of the person who leaves and not on what the team really needs.

What’s your vision?

What’s your mission?

What homes in service or support might you be experiencing?

What resources are you lacking?

What future challenges are you trying to prepare your team for?


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The Power of Resilience In the Workplace

"When a tough, challenging job is to be done, I look for a person who possesses an enthusiasm and optimism for life, who makes a zestful confident attack on his daily problems, one who shows courage and imagination, who pins down his buoyant spirit with careful planning and hard work, but he says, 'This may be tough, but it can be licked.'" Henry J. Kaiser

I’ve learned in my short life the value of one idea and the power behind a really great question. Here are a few to get you started on your own personal and professional development around the idea of resilience.

  • How do YOU approach difficult tasks at home? Work? Personal issues?
  • How do your team members approach challenges? Have you ever asked about their thinking process when they are facing challenges to get to know them more?
  • How could you cultivate a more resilient spirit in your staff?
  • Does your recruitment and hiring process reflect these qualities that you’re looking for?
  • Do you promote people with this kind...
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