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Does IT HAVE To Be So Much Work?

I heard this question from my teenager the other day about the household chores and it reminded me of the coaching client I had last month and the leader I talked to a few weeks ago- they all asked the same question. In a nutshell, the answer is yes and no!

"At the root of every success is some form of well-directed energy." James Allen

James Allen said success requires well-directed energy. The energy part requires a bit of work. The well-directed part requires thought. When you combine thought (systems, processes, WHY) and energy, it doesn’t take as much work.

I’ve seen leaders trying to do everything because they never stopped to think first. Or they’ve convinced themselves delegation is a dirty word. So the job is ten times harder than it needs to be.

I’ve also watched as leaders put a great deal of thought into the plan before the work and it seems to fly by as if by magic. They seem to not need energy or effort to make any of it happen.

I guess the real...

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