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Hypnotize Yourself & Realize Your Dreams

"We hypnotize ourselves into believing we can't do a thing."

I tend to work with a lot of coaching clients in transition from one job or career move to another. They come to me with many beliefs about what they can and can’t do. Typically, they start with all the beliefs about why they can’t have what they want.

I know, from the coaches perspective, that they have hypnotized themselves into thinking they are limited and can’t do something, that’s why they need my help.

In reality, my job is to help them see their value, their power, and their choice. In short, to be responsible for their freedom.

So, what do we do? We work on beliefs, play with thoughts, and get to know their own thinking patterns and habits.

We focus on larger issues such as perspective, the forgiveness of self, others, and processes, and ditching the DRAMA in their life. We also touch on the 7 laws of creation applied to their thinking: where have they violated them and where can they use...

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Are You An ‘OLD’ Leader?

Creatives live longer. Michaelangelo was still working at 80, Gothe wrote FAUST at 80, Edison invented things into his 90’s, and Picasso was painting well after the age of 85.

Then why, when I talk to leaders, they are ‘done’ and stressed and overwhelmed at younger and younger ages? Why do some leaders believe the ‘job’ has to be stressful?

Sure, systems, processes, and building a team really helps but the belief is the real problem.

Are you excited about your work and your team? Do you believe your job has to be difficult? What would it be like if it didn’t have to be hard?

Creative people believe in play, having fun, and exploring. They tend to live longer and enjoy life better because of their belief that life doesn’t have to be difficult.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to just live longer, I want every day to be better than the last.

Take an honest assessment of your beliefs. Where do you stand? Are you an old...

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How's Your Golf Swing?

"You must have a clear mental picture of the correct thing before you can do it successfully." Alex Morrison (expert golf teacher)

Morrison, widely known as the most successful golf teacher during his time developed a system of using the imagination to get what you say you want out of your golf game.

Rather than focus on skill development, which I’m sure he did at some point, he explained that the best use of the golfer’s time was to develop a clear mental picture of the correct thing FIRST. When you think about how the club feels in your hands after an amazing swing, where the ball goes on the green, and how you feel after an amazing time on the course, you download a program into your mind about how to be successful.

If you focus your thinking on HOW to swing, HOW to get the ball down the lane, and HOW to finish under par, you won’t be as successful.

So, how does this apply to leadership?

You spend your time wither thinking about what you don’t want or what...

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Attitude Makes All The Difference

"Once a scientist attacks a problem which she knows to have an answer, her entire attitude is changed. She is already half way to the answer." N. Weiner

Attitude is the combination of thoughts, beliefs, and actions. I think most people understand that if you don’t believe something will happen, it probably won’t, right? I love this quote because scientists just have a different way of thinking, don’t they? Honestly, sometimes their faith rivals that of people in a church!

If one truly believes there’s an answer, they will go after it to find it. I think of our current day and all the scientists that are trying to find the immunization for COVID 19. They KNOW there is an answer and that they CAN find it and they PERSIST.

I’m positive they will reach their goal.

What about us? As leaders, what are we so sure about that we KNOW will happen? I talked to a couple leaders this week in the technological field and they are burned out right now. The last few...

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